Choosing the perfect commercial ice making machine to meet your needs

Choosing the perfect commercial ice making machine to meet your needs

Choosing the right ice machine for your needs


Delivering excellent products and services to customers is a priority in the food service industry. This is why choosing the right ice making machine is important. Thinking of buying an ice machine but you don’t know where to start? There are different ranges of machines which can offer great value for your money. Before you decide to purchase a machine there are many factors you need to consider. This is a guide created to walk you through the different types of ice machines, types of ice offered by the ice machines we offer, and ice storage bins.



Commercial ice machines fall into four basic types: modular or ice machine head and under-counter ice machines. 

  1. Modular Ice Machine

These commercial ice-making machines produce large amounts of ice in a 24-hour cycle and should be used in conjunction with an ice storage bin that can store and dispense the ice. Modular ice machines are designed to sit on top of and supply ice to an ice machine bin. These commercial ice-making machines have an outstanding capacity of producing 100 kg of ice per day to well over 500 kg per day.



  • They produce large amounts of ice for different applications, mostly in large restaurants.
  • You can interchange or swap the ice storage bins and bases
  • Choose a method to collect the ice

2. Under-counter Ice Machines

Under-counter ice-making machines, also known as self-contained ice machines are a combination of an ice machine and an ice storage bin, they mostly fit under most 900mm high counters. An under-counter ice-making machine removes the worry of having two separate units, thereby saving space in you. An under-counter ice machine will meet the output needs of small bars, cafes, and restaurants. The Ice outputs generally top out at about 150kg per day, though a few higher capacity models do exist.



  • Allow you to have as much ice as you need at all times.
  • They have a large production and storage capacity 
  • Only need to install them once



Choosing the right ice-making machine also requires you to understand the different types of ice to meet your needs. Certain types of ice melt slower, are easier to chew, or have specific shapes to accommodate specific applications. Below we provided a more detailed explanation of common ice types.



Cube/Dice Ice

 Cube ice in a glassCube/dice ice in a glass

These are great for commercial businesses such as restaurants and bars because they melt slower than other types of ice. Cubes are important if you are serving high-end cocktails or liquors as they dilute drinks less quickly. You can choose between full cubes, half cubes or regular cube size.


Gourmet Ice
Gourmet Ice in a glassGourmet Ice

Mostly desired ice cubes for hospitality professionals, mixologists, and upscale minded consumers. It takes longer to melt with its non-conventional larger shapes.  It’s clear, cylindrical, and hollow in the middle ensuring an even melt and rapid chilling . 

Flake Ice

Flake Ice in a glassFlake Ice

Flake ice are small and soft in order to cool food rapidly, they do not take a specific shape. This makes them great for food displace in grocery stores, markets, and buffets. They are softer and easier to chew than cube ice. They are used in displays for chilled meats, seafood, or salads

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